August 28, 2015

Version 3 August 28

Holly is Unstoppable

Our campaign captures the optimism, positivity and energy of Holly. We want to use her success story to inspire other team members, contributors, and partners to donate and get involved.

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Lovely #TheTruthAboutHomelessness

There are many harmful misconceptions of homelessness. Changing perceptions can change how we treat each other. See the humanity in homelessness.

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August 28, 2015

Version 2 Social Campaigns

DST's 5 Social Campaign Concepts

1. Program Awareness

Video: Putting names to faces synopsis: builds program awareness could be shifted to approach different programatic elements. Start with program overview. Include testimonials. target: Donors or clients depending on target

Asset- Picture with quote from Team Member about work on the team

2. The Many Faces of Homelessness

Video: Second Chance/ The faces of homelessness Synopsis: rotating pictures, static content, voice or text. Target: donor

Asset: picture of team member with quote (maybe about 2nd chances- Randy)

3. Changing Perception of Homelessness

Video: Chancing Perception of Homelessness Synopsis: This one pulls at the heart strings. Lovely speaks on the ills of homelessness, then show transformation to team experience. Community testimonials: Faith Bell, Dennis Burns Target: participant or donor

Asset: Picture of Dennis Burns quote homelessness is not a crime or of Lovely, inspiring quote that changes perception Landing: Do we have interview with Lovely?

4. Fight Homelessness

Video: What Happens When You Fight Synopsis: Matt Major MMA, fighting to get out of homelessness. Call to action! Target: participant or donor

Asset: pic of Matt with quote Landing: Links to media coverage of Matt, links to getting involved for participants and donors.

5. Innovating Out of Homelessness

Video: (This will not take place for ZURB Wired) Kartma or make video about PAR and KKRC, post about ZURB? Synopsis: Displays of how DST's unique approaches out of homelessness Target: Donors, volunteers

Asset: Kartma design, specs, info Landing: Donate/ get involved


Whiteboard - 5 Concepts

Whiteboard session that laid the framework for the 5 concepts.


General statistic information for Social and other content

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August 27, 2015

Version 1 Concepts

We explored different concepts and ideas for the social videos. We highlighted some of the content and testimonials to include on the promotional videos.